The older I get the more in tune I become on some of the more silent thing we as humans are responsible for. We take our careers and our lives as paramount and leave out the fact that some things need to be acted upon. I remember a traumatic situation in my young adulthood that made me really think about this. I was drive down a highway with several friend after a party. We notice a boy laying on the side of the highway and pulled over. By the time we arrive at the boy several other people were standing around in a circle, examining, questioning, but no one doing anything including myself and my friends. The boy was clearly dead but still no one reacted. How often do we as humans fail our fellow humans by not reacting? May it be a child being abducted or a woman in distress, or a man helpless? I failed two people and I can't look myself in the mirror. I failed my wife by not expressing the extreme disrespect other were giving her, and I failed my G by not fighting harder. At this point I can only hope my wife forgives me and my G stays safe. THIS STATEMENT MIGHT SOUND STRANGE, BUT DON’T STAND BY AND WATCH TRAGITIY BE APART OF IT. LISTEN, REACT, AND BE HUMAN…..5……
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
STRANGER DANGER - CHILD ABDUCTIONS : Would Anyone Help Your Child When B...
The older I get the more in tune I become on some of the more silent thing we as humans are responsible for. We take our careers and our lives as paramount and leave out the fact that some things need to be acted upon. I remember a traumatic situation in my young adulthood that made me really think about this. I was drive down a highway with several friend after a party. We notice a boy laying on the side of the highway and pulled over. By the time we arrive at the boy several other people were standing around in a circle, examining, questioning, but no one doing anything including myself and my friends. The boy was clearly dead but still no one reacted. How often do we as humans fail our fellow humans by not reacting? May it be a child being abducted or a woman in distress, or a man helpless? I failed two people and I can't look myself in the mirror. I failed my wife by not expressing the extreme disrespect other were giving her, and I failed my G by not fighting harder. At this point I can only hope my wife forgives me and my G stays safe. THIS STATEMENT MIGHT SOUND STRANGE, BUT DON’T STAND BY AND WATCH TRAGITIY BE APART OF IT. LISTEN, REACT, AND BE HUMAN…..5……
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Fort Lauderdale Park Art Bombing 2012
During the monthly Jass Brunch, That I attend frequently at esplanade park here in Fort Lauderdale, I want to do a quick experiment with art and community. I decided early in the morning the day of the event to hang several peices in a wood area next to the band shell, just to see what would happen and who might show interest. I also want to see if anyone might take to work, even though they do not know it's free for the taking. Partly and experiment ontrust, partly an experiment on esthetic. Is this a space where people respect art or it's this environment different and as a result the same people that might respect art in a gallery might walk by without a glace?????
Here is what I hung. I wants to stay a bit darker, based on the general community at the event I wanted to most responce even if that might be negative it would work toward my experiment.
Experiments conclusion: Not what I expected. There was no interest directed toward the artwork at all. Almost like they had blinders on and the only directive they were after that day was wine and jazz. Even worse almost like they were not even aware of their surroundings, with such a beautiful park off the water. Now I will say the art I posted was not my best work, at all. I was strictly some old peices I never liked and some test work I was playing around with. I was just extremely interested to see art realated people show no interest in art misplaced in a park. I think I might need to continue this experiment in different areas or maybe a this prak during different dates?? None the less interesting.....5......
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Skinner T, 1972 to 2012
So Oct. 2012 I produced This mural work for Skiner T's Family. It was a respect work showing that no matter how small the encounter we can draw a huge understanding of a person and their personality.You can learn alot from a chance encounter. I learned alot from this man. He was one that showed me respect and honor at the same time. Many people in this circle clashed with me, in retrospect I had a dislike for many. I can say without question this was a true brother. I'm honored to be able to produce a work for his family. His kids deserve to know how stand up their farther was. Much respect and much sadness. I wish your family the best and offer them my hand if they need it.....5......
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Keep your Stupidity to yourself.....
I told myself a long time ago “what people may need to maintain structure and happiness in their life is great, if it works well for them and they remain positive to other, cool.” What I don’t respect are those people who push their shit on others. I can’t even count how many times I was walking through the mall, or at the bus stop as a teen and some creep douche with a bad hair piece approached me and ask me if I found Jesus, and wouldn’t leave me alone till I took one of his handouts. Why are you asking kids, why not ask adults??? Reason: because adult would smack them in the mouth and tell them where to go, adult have already developed a backbone. Listen, if everyone just lived by the golden rule and stop trying to formulation groups and recruit memberships this world would be a much better place. Now I don’t want anyone to think I hate religious organizations I think they do a lot of good for the community, yet at the same time I think some of their reasoning is way off. When you are going to third world countries to “help” yet the first thing you build is a church, I think it’s pretty oblivious why you are truly there. You are there to recruit third world people to believe what you believe and in return give them education shelter and food. A bit twisted if you ask me, but whatever.
So to the real story, I did some stencil murals during the Graffiti Expo 2010. Simple stencils of past work, one was a bit sexy but not too crazy, part of my 213AOE series. They ran for about a year, which in urban art is not a bad run. But it was brought to my attention by my friend and fellow artist, Ryan owner of Rolling Stock Gallery, that someone had defaced my work with some self-righteous bullshit. “God’s Truth for _______” what the fuck does that even mean???? You know, I might have some respect for this person if they painted over the entire piece and had a real artist do something better over my work like real street artists, but that just seem weak to me. To make it even worst, my website was posted on the side. All they had to do was voice their opinions to me there and I would have explained that this specific work (as shown above, deface, was a series of pieces that hit on the exploitation of the female form and the fact that this form is get more and more exaggerated as history progresses. Long story short, No matter how solid you feel your thought are you are still just a pushy little shit with no backbone. Learn to love yourself and stop trying to impose your shit on other and you will feel a lot better about yourself at the end of the day.
This has been a public service announcement from your friendly artist…..5…..peace
Some Publication and Media.....
Artisticats was one of the first magazine to publish some of my work in early 2009.
Channel 10 news report featuring a mural I produced in FAT Village with Green Lion, 2011.
One the of best Art zine I have come across.....Catapult Magazine 2011
Thursday, August 2, 2012

I take a lot of pride in the support of HIV awareness and the public awareness of "issues" in our business system when it come to our citizens being health and happy, healthcare and prescriptions in general. I just recently posted and story about the CEO of Gilead masking the 50 Million dollar club, this is why I like to work with awareness, because so many people are blind to it the fact that there is a lot of people making a lot of money keeping people sick. Not because there is no cure or because there is no money. Simply because they make a shit ton of money keeping people stable. Let me define stable, in the pharmaceuticals eyes, stable is common people who make just above poverty or average American spending tens of thousands of dollars a year purchasing medications to survive. Yet every other week we are developing a way to stay hard or prevent pregnancy. Pharmaceuticals are working hard just not on solving the problem. Why solve a problem is in the end you lost money from it, cure means loss of profits.
One thing I learned about this show was while doing research, it took me hours to find the census number of people infected in south florida. A matter of fact I never found a true number. hours I spent on the internet with no result. If awareness was important to the government am pretty sure those numbers would be very easy to find on google. No surprise, if awarness was marketed it would mean loss of profits.... Think Pozitive......5.......
Timeline Wall & Death of Finance Corner
One of the most cumbersome undertaking of the 5 In retrospect show was the "timeline wall & the Death of finance collages". This wall represented my life in vision. What do you put the present you what positivity do you add, what negativity do you add, Where to do draw the line of being PC or being fake. I wanted this wall to represent truth and respect. I wanted to show respect for my family as well as disrespect of specific aspects. I wanted to it show anger, mistakes and triumphs. A collaboration of positive and negative reactions, thus the collaboration we all experience in life. Hopefully the journey of the wall continuous. It's been a backdrop for comedy, and for music. I wonder where it may develop in the future.
I find pride in the fact that people see what I do, without even knowing they see it. a backdrop, a wall mural, a sticker, small subbliminal messages. General smile from people in the art community, in the social community, and in the homeless community. All walk see and exp;lor with no restrictions, or demands.
Images established in these two works could relate with anyone passing by and I think that was the pleasure of the placement of these works. General public placement. It has defiantly made me think more about where the placements are and what category of persons may view t before removal. The concept needs to come across but not with the loss of the dynamics. Dynamics are the turning point.
Dynamics are essential. Thank Ryan @ Rolling Stock Gallery for the images.....5......
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Will Work for Healthcare. 2009
I current story reminded me of this work. CEO of Gilead John C. Martins made it into the 50 million dollar club. This keeps me focused on why I distrust anyone involved in the research for a cure, expectally if they are in connection with the
Pharmaceutical companies, when there is so much money in no cure. I produced this work several years ago to explain the lack of care toward HIV research, HIV fertility research, and HIV medication research. It seem after all these years we are still as far from a "CURE" then we were years ago, But there is still penty of people making an Absence amount of money for doing nothing but maintaining. If I maintained at work I do not think I would be so benefited. It really makes you think why would they want to find a cure if they are so benefited from not???????
Love Dub Event
I was met with automatic resistance. A lady approached and started to critic the work without even asking about the content. I stood by in shock amazed that someone so openminded in image was so close minded in soul. She called herself a "burner" I guess short for the burning man movement, which I happen to think is amazing. She said that she was an independent woman and that the image offended her. She stated that all she saw was a big vigina. I laughed inside, because the concept of this work is so far from a "Big Vigina". I didn't even expain the work to the self proclaimed "burner" because I really didn't think she would get it anyway, even though, as she stated, she dated a conceptual artist, lol. It amazes me how many people call themselves worldly, open and understanding when they are still as straining and imperfect as the rest of us, at least I'm honest in saying I'm just as faulty as the rest of them. Long story short it killed my energy and I stopped my production on the piece within seconds. I started to work on the second more tame work. and really got another pulse of energy during the event. I started to create a more abstract work with alot of vibrate colors and patterns.....
It seemed to go off better then the taboo work with the crowd. I took the work home and added a stain pink overlay and some yellow flares. On top I added a wheatpaste print of my lovely wife as I had imagined, with a dripped out heart in white. I have to say "Thank You" to the lady at the show for switching my attention to the Muse work, I should have probably started on that work to begin with. This piece made it on to The Bad Girls Club season 5. Thanks to that self righteous lady who claimed indepence. Thank You, both works are complete and I couldn't have done it without you. It still surprises me that negative energy can sometimes be as motivating as positive energy, given the situation. In general I will turn anything positive. one beautiful piece about my wife and one beautiful peice about the tragedy of life and vanity in America.....5......
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Keoni's Family Mural
My Brother-in-law showed some interest in a Mural of himself and his son. So for christmas I went ahead a design a mural representing him and his culture. I first added some tiki stencils to the background and a King Kamehameha stencil in the foreground showing his Hawaiian culture. To the right I added a classic Impala stencil approximately 6 layers, due to the fact that his profession is auot body and he loves refabing classics. In middle I added threee layer stencils of the two of them and finished up with some random scribes and fades.....5.....
Thursday, July 12, 2012
What do we do as artist when the future is seemingly so dim? Budgets become slimmer, marriage become broken, personalities become melancholy, and life as we knew it become more of a hassle then the freedom we all seem to enjoy. We as artist have a responsibility to show and communicate these tears in the system, politically, socially and commercially. But is this the only responsibility artist have? Or do we as artists have an alternative responsibility to help promote our future, to help encourage our fellow humans and to bring to the table a communication of positivity.
This is a call to arms for Artists across the nation to develop ideas and concept to promote positive thinking. Think Pozitive is a way to promote this concept as well as developing your own creativity into it. Think Pozitive to not only battle the negative energies of the current environment but to also gather strength against HIV/AIDS in the world and to develop awarness.....5.....
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Jordan Biggs "Brooklyn" Best father daughter song ever.....5.....
In the begining of this video I state: "There is only a select group of things that make such an impact on life that they change it dramatically, Mine is G."
The world has a weird way of operating. When you are in a dark place or when you are trying to dig yourself out of a shallow grave you find light in the most unexcepted places. During a journey with illness I ran into this prefect little woman, and she changed my life. She became the reason for my strif and the result of my hard work. She stayed for the period of time I needed her and swiftly left. Things in this life alway happen for a reason and this was my rock during these hard times.
I love you G and hope for you the most success and happiness you can have, I will see you soon, Daddy.
Thanks Jordan Biggs for developing such a perfect song for my concept of love for my daughter, I'm sure as well as yours.
This is an image I produced during my illness it represents an image from my current pet scan, ,scratched and damaged it is the symbol of a life disrespected and the lack of my responsible nature. That little light I found in G help spark the glo that continues today to help me find peace in my journey down wrong paths and my continue journey toward understanding.....5.....
This is an image I produced during my illness it represents an image from my current pet scan, ,scratched and damaged it is the symbol of a life disrespected and the lack of my responsible nature. That little light I found in G help spark the glo that continues today to help me find peace in my journey down wrong paths and my continue journey toward understanding.....5.....
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Nevelson: Awareness in the Fourth Dimension (excerpt)
One of my favorite assemblage artist Louise Nevelson, one of the best found object artist I have ever come across. Her absence color interestes me and I find a equality with it. Typically I only use three or so shades in my work and the stand out colors are normally dark and down toned. I really appreciate her drive. It doesn't hurt that Robert Indiana the figure 5 work is in the background. It's alway 5.....5.....
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
5 In Retrospect Part 1 & 2
Experience is a blessing and a curse one who Experiences to much negativity may find it hard to journey back to peace, family, and happiness.....5.....
The transition of the two videos is to repeat in circulation to depict the cycle of positive and negative in all our live, some graver than other but all equa in some respect.....5.....
.....Be Found 5.....
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