Saturday, May 24, 2014

Ronald McDonald House Broward General Location

Sponsor Board Design 2004

In college, 2004, I had the opportunity to design the sponsor board for the top sponsors to the Ronald McDonald house.
The concept of the entire space was of course Florida, beaches, ocean, and sunshine. ASID student chapter painted a mural I designed for the play room and every 2 chapter members were given a suite to design themselves. The entire project came out great but my favorite part was the sponsor board. I created a wave like board in bright south Florida colors. Since in was for outside, I wanted to use a weather resistant material. So we had the board made of composite materials and acrylic signage plaques. This way if it weathers over time it can be refinished and polished again, plus these material work great outside. 
Overall I think the design work great for the space and hope they enjoy it as much as I do.....

What is 305?

WHAT IS 305?  2010
 Size: 48” X 72” Frame-less 

 What is 305?  Expands on the development of the greater Miami area;  giving a brief history of icon facts and terminologies. It displays a propaganda like poster style to represent to strength and power Miami has on our national economy. But even being one of the top cities in  America still we see mass unemployment and major city decay. Which leads me to believe even with power  and strength, if 1% run America, it  will always have major failure, and we  will become the laughing stock of the world no matter how will we       market our selves as powerful and dominate.  Remember the Romans.....Currently part of the RS Gallery Collection.....5.....

The Simple Man

So there's confusion about men that men are simple and not complex but the reality is men are very complex yet hold simple standard and principles. I watched a movie recently that hit me at home it was about a man who live not such a positive life but loved his family extremely. He loved his daughter, loved does wife, he tried hard to balance these two worlds and found out that no matter what those two worlds would end up meeting up.  I read once that children are a mirror, they are the mirror of all the things we do wrong in life and where we need to do to progress. They are the key to why we are successful as human beings without them sometimes we just have ourselves and sometimes yourself are not enough.  Children make us better people no matter how awful we were in the past. They explain the future better than any elder ever could. They are the reason some of to live and their mentors in their own right. What will give up for family is endless. We strive for the best for our children but sometimes realize that the best is only what we envision ourselves and not what our children vision. There has to be an understanding of Hope, Love, care, and consciousness that goes into parenting even know not everybody understands or respects this theory but it shows up in countless forms of  media, movies, books, and our minds.  there is only one reason bad boys become good dads and that is children. Love you baby girl.....5.....

Tuesday, May 6, 2014








For years I have felt trapped in quicksand, not able to get out and move up to the next milestone. Left stagnate, waiting for that child to begin our family, that forever child. Now that veil has been lifted, new life can begin, wasted years are behind us. She came to us and now she is finally a permanent part of our family.  The quicksand feels like it is loosening and the fear and stress of the responsibility ahead engulf my eagerness. The fog has clears the stairs are visible and I am climbing. It’s a bit overwhelming thinking about the responsibility ahead but I am defiantly up for the challenge. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow bring and look very forward to the milestones.
Milestone seem important in life. They direct as well as set the footing for our next step. I never really paid too much attention to milestones in the past thinking they were just trees passing by in my travels. A nice thought but they are more than this, they are foundations being forged. They are the rise of your steps to your next point. Lack of concern for them creates a loss of drive and a decrease in forward momentum. We need milestones to show us we are heading I the right direction. Without them we are flying blind. By doing this we take the chance of going in the wrong direction or even worse sometimes going in no direction at all. Milestone also build your respect and enforce your relationships with family and friends. The more milestone you share with family and friends the closer bond is developed.  Graduation, They are a scrapbook of our lives allowing us to look back and see where we succeeded and where we failed, but most of all where we are heading and how we can get there quicker. Marriage, Children, Car accident, Promotion, New home, Prison, 25th anniversary, etc etc etc. No matter how small the milestone. How positive or how negative, all of them hold a place in our hearts that will drive us, even negative milestone can drive us forward if they are looked at correctly and seen for what they are. If not, they can limit us and stall us from achieving the next milestone. They can stall us for minutes or they can stall us for decades.

 I sit wondering what the future will bring, what is out there for us and where we will be in 10 years. I make suggestions and comments to myself hoping the energy will maintain the excitement. She is ours and we are her netting. Her only defense against this world in which we live. The only protection from that which is dark and unmanageable. Do I put blinders on her and school her like a horse for success, or water her like a flower and let her grow in her own unique chemistry. So many questions and no answers. Lots of options but no facts. It’s a scary road to not know where the next pothole is, but we will strive through it. Build this house solid and large. Filled with love and charity. We will develop ourselves to be that family with communication and understand. One that helps you through in times of need and gives space when you need it. I hope I can show you everything you desire to see and I hope I can teach you everything you desire to learn. I see that energy within you. That enormous, powerful, power which you convey. How luck the world will be to experience even a faction of what you are capable of, and can you imagine what you will be capable of in the future. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Farewell Letter to G, for now.....

I ventured to the supermarket the other day to see you and your family standing there, you looked amazing. I spent the last year and half scared to death that you were not safe, protected and loved. I also spent that time missing you tremendously, that great smile and your unmistakable call for “Daddy” will always resonate in my head. I didn’t want to say anything cause I didn’t want to confuse you or create anymore turmoil in your life, you have gone through so much already, so I just walked on by, wowed that I finally got a chance to see you again. I hope you didn’t see me I wouldn’t want you to think I forgot about you, far from it. I’d rather you live your life and be happy. But I was glad I got to see you healthy, and well kept. It gave me some clarity of your future and even know I
will still worry daily, at least I know you are likely on a good path.
I want to thank you for being a part of our lives and creating so much love in our home. You brought a lot of joy to our family and I hope the time you spent with us brought that same amount of joy. You helped me through some trying times, and helped me grow as person and most of all as a parent. More than you will even know. I hope the skills and goals we instilled in you while you stayed with us, bring you much joy and happiness. I hope to, someday in the distance, see you again. See how you have developed into a successful young lady. And watch you walk with confidence, strength, and beauty into your future. I wish you everything the world has to offer and hope you receive it. I will always miss you, and of course I love you very much. Best of luck my little girl.



Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Time 'tick' 'tick'

Time is an interesting element in our lives as human beings. It can be used as a punishment (prison), used as a pleasure (vacation), used as a measure (work week), or even used as a threat (you have 6 months to live). Whatever it is used for, it will never stop, and never reset. Its unforgiving in that way. There is no pause, rewind, and fast forward. There is just time with no concluded end
When young time seems endless; open to new possibilities and hopes. The sun seems to never set and new horizons seem to grow almost in an instant. There is no value put on time at this age because it seems so endless. When age starts to show its ugly head, time seems to go by faster leaving you wanting more but not able to accomplish it within the quicksand’s of the hourglass. No matter how hard you try things begin to slip out of your grasp, you fall behind, your list become smaller because the longer lists from before are no longer attainable. The older we get the even more quick time seems to pass by. Instead of hours missed it becomes days, weeks, months and even years. We forget and the pass erases all existence of the events. Maybe this is why legacy is so important to most people. Why having a clean image is more important than being honest and true, no matter how horrible the truth. Why are our lives set up with such a parameter. Is it so we value time and thus live, if so than why do we as humans not see the value of time till in most cases it’s passed us by. Is this the cruel reality of time’s plan to make us aware late in life of our wastefulness of it.
I’d like to think that time somehow continues after death. But being realistic there is probably a slim chance of this. I like to think I’m going to be more then fertilizer in my absence but until that day comes I will never know, and of course I’m not too much a gambler with common ideas that are supported by no evidence. So in retrospect I will wait to explore that avenue and see what it brings. For now I chase time, trying to catch as much of it as possible and harvest as much of it as I can. Spend as much of it with family and friends, and as little of it with doubt and depression. It’s way too short to waste on simple thing like that and I’m way to busy looking at the better things in life.
Think Pozitive ….. 5

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Warhol’s film “Blow Job” spoke of a principle of early Soviet film theory, the “Kuleshov effect,” in which shots taken on different meaning depending on their juxtaposition with other images. Does this concept along with extra images form an alternative meaning? Does the use of the term “The End” or the image of an abstract tank form a military or war like design?
Though this piece would be apropo to what is going on in the Soviet Union right now.....cheers.....

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Enamel Paint, Aerosol Paint, & Ink on  Stone
As seen on  Oxygen’s Bad Girls Club, Season  5, 2010
Curves and formations, the softness of the skin, even on hard and challenging surfaces , the finer lines of the human body show depth. On stone, which is porous, elements  absorb into the source, almost bleeding into it . But even with all these curves and all this beauty, it still remains flat, texture less, and shallow, with evidence of vanity.....

STATS, 2009

STATS, 2009


(On viewing at  Miami Beach Community Health)

109,472 is the number of HIV+ people in west palm beach, Broward and Dade counties alone. Or at least the closest number I could find searching the internet for two hours. Why are these kinds of facts so hard to find, especial when we have three cities out of ten in the top 10 cities for HIV infection in the nation. You would think that these numbers would be important in bringing awareness for both the infected and uninfected…..Think Positive…..

Monday, February 3, 2014


Everyone has demons. Some are vague and only show their heads at times of extreme weaken and some are extremely powerful and control a large percentage of a person’s life. Some people have one or maybe two demons and other may have many that they have to deal with. I think the older we get the more we recognize these elements in our lives as toxic and we begin to extinguish them one at a time, But again some are very powerful and take a much longer time to eliminate. Sometimes we eliminate demons by trading one demon for another, maybe a less harmful demon. We sometimes see ourselves in a continuous struggle with our lives because of these demons. This struggle can affect our self-esteem, our attitude, our view of the world and sometimes our entire mental state. Suffering develops character if it is allowed to be objectively looked upon. When people suffer they either learn from the experience or they claim victim to the experience, either way they eventually will build some character from the experience, may it be good or bad. At what point during this suffering do we as human being to either cross over and progress as people or give up and fall victim to one’s self. Why is it that some humans can have enormous amounts of suffering, yet progress as if nothing detrimental had ever happened, and other experience a small amount of suffering and it encapsulates their entire life. Is it just weak genes or a weak mind or is it something deeper inside us. Is it the teachings of our parents to take suffering in stride and keep moving on, instead of giving up or is it instilled in our souls from something else. Where ever it comes from we need it as a motivator, a guild to keep us focused and directed. It comes in many forms, from a laughing baby, to a document on a wall. Some may seem strange or odd to other but they are the driving energy that power them. Broken is a state of mind a point where you have given up and stopped. It’s weaken, disease, quicksand. This suffering is how we learn, but only if we allow ourselves to gain that knowledge from it. Unfortunately this struggle can only be concord by one’s self. There is no support group, or program, or lifestyle that will help us unless we first find peace and resolution within ourselves first. So the solution is there is no solution; it changes from person to person with an infinite number of recipes based on a specific individual’s situation.....

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Scream Series



SCREAM 1,  2009

SCREAM 2,  2009
I  pose a question, to better understand why human beings must suffer to advance.  Why is a scream sometimes for happiness or triumph? Why is a scream sometimes for pain and suffering? Do these two emotions have a connection or is this just  random.  We all come to a time where suffer plays a dramatic part in who we become and which direction we may travel…..
Take a look at these two painting and tell me if the woman is upset for the lost of a child, or if that child just won a huge race. Tell me if the man just got shot in the leg or if he just won the lottery.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Mission

OK I'll start off with some New years Mission for 2014.
1. Spent more time with the wife and kids. We all get so caught up in day to day crap family some times falls behind and before we know it its gone. I plan on spent very second I can, you never know when you are up, better make the best of the now. Plus they deserve it they put up with me. That in it self is a task.
2. Fix my credit and financial status. I never understood how poor credit can effect very aspect of your life till this past year. No more of that crap, time to tighten up. Consolidation of some loans, reduction of some bills, Sallie Mae, need I say more. Any advise out there?
3. Improve my Health. Stop standing around thinking I'm superman and start doing something about it, you know eat right, and workout a bit. The health issues of this past year helped with this brain storm too. You can only run so far before life catches you.
4. Spent more time with friend. We are not getting younger and over the years friendship have drifted due to work, family etc. Friend are very important they provide support, communication, and most of all stress relief.
5. Design and Art schdule for the year of 2014: I can't wait to start some new work for 2014. I just moved into a space where I have a studio space and I'm itching. I look forward to creating some public murals this year so if anyone might have a space open give me a ring. Also looking to continue my personal mural project, so if anyone might be interested???? On a home side I can't wait to start the redesign of our new home, room by room, and of course the customization of my JEEP.
These are the main few. Not in any specific order but all important and needed for my insanity .