Monday, February 3, 2014


Everyone has demons. Some are vague and only show their heads at times of extreme weaken and some are extremely powerful and control a large percentage of a person’s life. Some people have one or maybe two demons and other may have many that they have to deal with. I think the older we get the more we recognize these elements in our lives as toxic and we begin to extinguish them one at a time, But again some are very powerful and take a much longer time to eliminate. Sometimes we eliminate demons by trading one demon for another, maybe a less harmful demon. We sometimes see ourselves in a continuous struggle with our lives because of these demons. This struggle can affect our self-esteem, our attitude, our view of the world and sometimes our entire mental state. Suffering develops character if it is allowed to be objectively looked upon. When people suffer they either learn from the experience or they claim victim to the experience, either way they eventually will build some character from the experience, may it be good or bad. At what point during this suffering do we as human being to either cross over and progress as people or give up and fall victim to one’s self. Why is it that some humans can have enormous amounts of suffering, yet progress as if nothing detrimental had ever happened, and other experience a small amount of suffering and it encapsulates their entire life. Is it just weak genes or a weak mind or is it something deeper inside us. Is it the teachings of our parents to take suffering in stride and keep moving on, instead of giving up or is it instilled in our souls from something else. Where ever it comes from we need it as a motivator, a guild to keep us focused and directed. It comes in many forms, from a laughing baby, to a document on a wall. Some may seem strange or odd to other but they are the driving energy that power them. Broken is a state of mind a point where you have given up and stopped. It’s weaken, disease, quicksand. This suffering is how we learn, but only if we allow ourselves to gain that knowledge from it. Unfortunately this struggle can only be concord by one’s self. There is no support group, or program, or lifestyle that will help us unless we first find peace and resolution within ourselves first. So the solution is there is no solution; it changes from person to person with an infinite number of recipes based on a specific individual’s situation.....

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