Friday, January 22, 2016

AS I SEE IT.....2015

During the course of my betterment I decided to quit drinking alcohol. It was terrible for my health as well as my relationships with my wife, my kids, and my friends. What I did find is that it was extremely difficult to change my habitual patterns considering I had been doing it for 20 years or so. I thought o’crap I’m an alcoholic, what do I do from here. I started an outpatient program for alcoholism, where I learned some tools in dealing with my habitual self. A lot of this training was through the alcoholics anonymous book, but in general it was thoughts and concepts on managing your mind, and they work in other areas of life as well. Being the philosophy focused person I am, I really appreciated this way of thinking and still do to a point, minus any god implications. I rook this journey as a betterment of my mind and body it allowed me to focus in areas I hadn’t been able to focus before. So I added Bill W. to my list of admired philosopher and thinkers. He might not be of philosophic pedigree, but his did expand on a great way to gain control; of your mind and focus on your personal development....5.....

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