Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stealth Marketing

Marketing Firms pay billions of dollars to gather your attention and direct your personal spending. Why is it that "Marketing" and or "Sales" seem to think human beings are dumb animals focused like cattle on repetitive marketing produced by money. It almost sound like and old horror film the more the spirit say Kill the more the murderer wants to kill. On top of that, artists who repel this form of vandalism of public space are in turn considered vandals themselves, because the issue of money is not in question with art. Stealth Marketing is a very simple concept it is market to people "Wanting" to view your marketing. Thousands of people pass by stealth marketing on a daily basis. Only those interested in this form of art or the artist, find it attractive thus promoting the artist via marketing. It's not a concept of why we market. We market to promote our product, our art, etc., etc., etc. yet we try to do it in a way that markets to our audience and doesn't dismantle the image of public space. On the other hand the image of art in public space must change; Marketing has dominated public space for a long time based on money. Not human interest, not entertainment of the human soul, not beauty of the human eye....strictly money. Imagine a place where the public space is beautiful, colored and fun generating energy of positive and emotionally charged happiness. How would that change our world to date? CBS and Clear Channel do not need to own every billboard to be profitable.....peace.....5.....

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