Sunday, February 28, 2016

Ghost in the Machine, 2016


Certain people come into and out of our lives at different time to change us in some way. The universe puts these people into our path to help us navigate through life better. The change could be as minimal as a creative idea or as large as the connection with a spouse. Kevin is a friend I met through my wife’s collection of dance friends. His focus on success and his social abilities were something I have been challenged with for years. I’m not a very social person and my path to success in a career has been a bumpy road. Kevin and I’s conversation one night got me really thinking. He was talking about certifications in his business and how he gets certified in everything he can, just as a reference on his resume. This got me thinking. I have always been the type of person to not care and even think about what anyone thinks of me. This is a good trait in some ways but can also be prohibitive. I never thought of resume as that important. Not necessarily just career resumes, but life resumes, relationship resumes, parenting resumes, etc etc. He defiantly gave me an idea that is currently changing my perspective, on who I am, and what I need to work on in life, even if he doesn’t know it.

The title of this piece, “Ghost in the Machine” has duel meaning, no pun intended if you are aware of the book. One is the concepts of this is that the intelligence of computers will allow them to take over the world in the future, this concept movies are made from. Kevin is in the computer field so I thought this would be an interesting title, But secondly and probably more profound is the theory behind the 1949 book “Ghost in the Machine”, this basically expanded on the concept of physical self and mental self. The universe, an ever changing circuit board of life & energy, and that people put in your path to empower your life. This of course is simplified, the book is more complex. But it has defiantly got me thinking and keeps me pondering what is next for me, my wife, my kids and my friendships. Thanks Kev…..5…..


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